====== How to Install ====== ===== Install Basic Softwares ===== First, Install gcc, gettext, rsync. for compile static version, install wget. For Ubuntu, you can execute below command. sudo apt-get install build-essential gettext rsync wget libjson-perl liblocale-po-perl ===== Compile Starbug1 ===== Static Version Compile is easy. and static binary works faster. * [[en/install/compile/static|How to compile static binary]] If something wrong, try below. * [[en/install/compile/shared|How to compile binary that use shared library.]] after compile, next is setup. ===== How to setup Starbug1 ===== * [[en/install/setup|How to setup Starbug1]] ====== Other informations ====== * [[en/install/hook|About hook functions]] * when register and reply, how to send mail, and etc. * [[en/install/aboutdatabase|About database schema]] * Starbug1 data structure. * [[en/install/backup|How to backup.]] * example of backup. * [[en/install/export|How to export settings of projects]] * able to export projects settings. * [[en/install/faq|FAQ]] * FAQ